Ancient DNA analysis
suggests that calcium and vitamin D deficiencies were not the only
reasons that may have driven Neolithic Iberian people to drink milk.
adult mammals can’t digest milk, but humans have evolved lactase
persistence—the continued activity of the lactose-digesting enzyme
lactase—several times, independently and in different parts of the
world, during the last 10,000 years. Evolutionary biologists have
proposed several theories to explain the strong selection for lactase
persistence among dairy-consuming populations, but to date, none have
provided definitive reasoning for the evolution of such an unusual
digestive ability.
Analyzing ancient DNA from the skeletal remains of eight late Neolithic
Iberian people, scientists now present evidence to suggest that one
such hypothesis—that lactase persistence was selected for among early
northern Europeans to allow people to drink milk to avoid calcium and
vitamin D deficiencies—could not alone explain the rapid rise in lactase
persistence across the continent. Their work was published in
Molecular Biology and Evolution today (January 22).
“It is likely that the advantage provided to lactase-persistent
individuals was not constant throughout time and space,” University
College London’s
Pascale Gerbault, whose own work focuses on the spread of lactase persistence in Europe but was not involved in the work, told
The Scientist in an e-mail. The new study “may provide some support for this possibility,” she added.
Uppsala University’s
Oddný Sverrisdóttir
and her colleagues tested the so-called calcium assimilation hypothesis
by analyzing ancient and modern DNA from individuals who lived in the
same area of high sun exposure. UVB light aids in the synthesis of
vitamin D, which in turn supports the absorption of calcium, so these
people were unlikely to have suffered poor vitamin D and calcium status.
The researchers found that none of the eight ancient individuals
carried the known European lactase persistence-associated mutation,
called -13,910*T. Modern sequence samples from the same sunny region,
however, revealed that more than 30 percent of the population do carry
-13,910*T, suggesting that at some point in the last 7,000 years, the
population acquired lactase persistence despite having sufficient
vitamin D and calcium.
“When I saw that the ancient Spaniards had zero lactase persistence,
yet one-third of the contemporary Spanish population has lactase
persistence now, I just started wondering,” said Sverrisdóttir.
So, if not to stave off calcium and vitamin D deficiencies, why might
this population have acquired lactase persistence?
Sverrisdóttir and her
colleagues propose that during crop failure-induced famines, dairy may
have been the only reliable source of sustainable nutrition. Those who
were lactose intolerant may have fallen ill from consuming milk
products, or starved. “We’re talking about the difference between life
and death,” Sverrisdóttir said.
Alternatively, Gerbault offered, “it may be the case that migrants from
neighboring populations where the allele frequency was higher” brought
the trait to the Iberian people.
Gerbault noted that, if anything, the current study raises more
questions than it seems to answer. “We know there are different alleles
associated with lactase persistence, but we don’t quite know what the
selective pressures [were] that provided lactase persistence with a
selective advantage,” she said.
Still, Sverrisdóttir said her team’s results sufficiently cast serious
doubt on the calcium assimilation hypothesis for lactase persistence in
Europe. Evolutionary hypotheses “are so fascinating to coin, but it can
be hard to say if it happened or didn’t,” Sverrisdóttir agreed.
O. Ó. Sverrisdóttir et al., “Direct estimates of natural
selection in Iberia indicate calcium absorption was not the only driver
of lactase persistence in Europe,” Molecular Biology and Evolution, doi:10.1093/molbev/msu049, 2014.
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