Author Charlie Daye Interview and Amazon Gift Card Contest LIVE Here!
BBB: Tell us 3 things not in your bio we don’t know about you that might make us leery of befriending you. LOL
CD: Hmmm… I’m martial arts trained in knife fighting, kickboxing and grappling (also known as ground fighting.)
BBB: Do you have any strange writing habits (like standing on your head or writing in the shower)?
CD: I have a notebook that I write in when the mood strikes whether it be when I’m lying in bed or at a sports bar, etc. When my characters start talking I must listen.
BBB: What was the BEST book you read in 2013?
CD: I started on the Mercy Thompson Series in 2013 and absolutely fell in love!
BBB: How do you keep track of your world building?
CD: Remember that trusty notebook? It holds all my worldy secrets in it from ideas to character descriptions, to plot lines and names I’ve used or would like to use.
BBB: Please tell us more about Children of Kria: Fury and the storyline that drives it.
CD: Children of Kria was something I came up with while having a bad day. And since killing people in today’s society is highly frowned upon, I decided to create a world of immortal assassins that seek justice for those who would never get it on their own. Each story focuses on a different character in the world of Kriation and each character responds to a different kind of heart ache. Let’s take the first three books in the series, for example.. Fury (Book 1) responds to the betrayal of a man to a woman, Raithe (Book 2) responds to rape, Vengeance (Book 3) responds to slavery and so on.
The stories will differ from character to character. In some instances you may read about how the assassins came to Kriation and in other instances you may read about a hunt they go on after already being a Child of Kria and in some instances you’ll get both. The books are action packed thrill rides that are dark and deadly. They deal with issues that some may consider taboo or just downright disturbing.
This will be a new writing style for my current fans who are used to my paranormal romance novels. You will find no romance in these books since they are considered fantasy novels, however, I’ll still give your happily ever after.
BBB: How many more books will there be in this series?
CD: I have no idea. As long as the characters in the world of Kriation continue speaking to me, I will continue writing their stories. As of right now, I have five stories completed in the series.
BBB: Did you do any kind of research to determine the details of your characters lives / lifestyles?
CD: I did actually. For Revenge’s story (book 4) I contacted a friend of mine who was in the military since Revenge’s character was a Marine before he became a child of Kria. I wanted the information to be as real as possible.
BBB: Are you a plotser or a pantser? or a Planster (a combo of both – lol)
CD: I’d like to say I am a combination of both but for some reason when I start writing, the story never turns out how I planned it.
BBB: What types of creatures/characters can readers expect in your world?
CD: Kriation is filled with your everyday types… men, women, old and young.
BBB: Do you ever come up with anything so wild that you scare yourself, that leaves you wondering where that came from?
CD: Yes, actually, LOL. This series as a matter of fact. I’ve always written paranormal romance so when the idea came to me for Kria, I wrote it, but sent it to like a million beta readers for a second opinion. Since I do touch on taboo subjects, I was so afraid no one would like it. But the initial reviews completely blew me away.
BBB: Who is your top book boyfriend or girlfriend?
CD: Lucan Thorne from the Midnight Breed Series – mmmm – just love him!
BBB: What’s coming up for you in 2014?
CD: There’s an erotic anthology coming out this year with me and seven other very talented authors. I’m also releasing Raziel’s Redemption this year. It’s a follow up to Her Last Request. I’ve just finished writing Breeders 2 and am knee deep in Breeders 3. The readers asked for more – so I’m giving it to them!
10 Quick Things About Charlie
- Favorite Food? Pizza
- Favorite Color? Blue
- Favorite Movie or TV Show of all Time? Practical Magic
- Favorite Drink? Chocolate Martini
- Favorite Book? Intensity by Dean Koontz
- Favorite Season? Fall
- Favorite Online Hangout? (think FB, Twitter, Goodreads) Facebook
- Favorite Animal? Tiger
- Favorite Band or Musician? Zac Brown Band
- Mode of Travel? (Trains, Planes or Automobiles) Planes or Auto
- Favorite Vacation Destination? The Beach
About Charlie Daye

Author Bio:
Charlie Daye began writing at the tender age of thirteen. With an obsession for romance, happy endings and the supernatural she delves into your greatest fantasies and worst nightmares. She will have you laughing, crying, falling in love and getting angry. She will always give you a HEA but getting there is the journey worth taking.
Charlie Daye was born in Lynwood, California. Her greatest passions are music and writing. Her first short story was written at the age of thirteen. At the time her entire class was asked to write a short story for Halloween as part of a homework assignment. Most of the kids in the class wrote one to two page stories… Charlie wrote eight. The short story titled The Haunted House went on to win her district wide awards and was published locally. From their she began writing poetry as means of expression.
Since her writing career began she’s has published several titles…
The House, The Colonial, The Reservation, The Portrait, The Gypsy’s Dance, Mistaken for a Call Girl, Her Last Request and Breeders. Four of which have been nominated for the 2012 RONE Award.
Connect with Charlie
CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide
Prize 1: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card
Prize 2: One ebook copy each of Remember Me, Mistaken for a Call Girl and The Portrait
4 Total prizes.
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