1. When you’re engrossed in a novel, you will always tell yourself, “Just one more chapter.”
2. You will begin laughing randomly when you remember a funny moment from the book you were reading.
People won’t get it. And they don’t NEED to.
3. The book will ALWAYS be better than the movie.
4. You will read your favorite books over and over again.
Because they somehow get better every single time.
5. When you’re reading before bed, you keep reading, because you can sleep when you’re dead.
6. Most of your paycheck will go toward books.
The rest will go to, you know, staying alive.
7. You will turn down plans on the weekend because you have a date.
…With your books.
8. You will join various book clubs just to talk about books as much as you can.
9. You will show up to work on Monday hungover.
Then you’ll walk in and buy some anyway. Because, obviously.
10. You will walk by a book store and tell yourself you have enough books.
:: passes out ::
12. You will be incredibly sad or elated based on what is happening in the plot of your book.
Warner Bros. Pictures
“I CAN’T GO ON LIKE THIS.” — Everyone when Dobby died.
13. You will spend a ridiculous amount of time browsing Goodreads.
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