BBB: What’s your favorite line from any movie? JC: Leia–“I love you.” Han–”I know.”
BBB: Are you a morning or night person?
JC: I’m a night owl, by nature, but have recently forced myself to become a morning person. The two hours before everyone wakes up is the best quiet time in my house, and my muse tends to speak to me early.
BBB: When people look at me, they would never guess that I:
JC: …spent a week on an island called Margarita when I was 18 and succumbed to the peer pressure of my Venezuelan friends to bare more of my lily-white skin in my new Brazilian-style bikini than should ever see the light of day. Needless to say, I burned my butt cheeks so bad they were purple, and I couldn’t sit for a week without pain. Ah, the wisdom of youth.
BBB: What is the best thing you have done in your life? (besides writing)
JC: Have children. Too cliche? Sorry, but for me it’s true. They’re the coolest thing I’ve ever created, though I suppose their father did help a little.
BBB: Please tell us more about Soulfire and the storyline that drives it.
JC: Soulfire is set in a fantasy world where humans live alongside Morgons, a dragon-hybrid race. In the Gladium Province, the dividing line has begun to blur. My heroine, Jessen, strays to the Morgon side of the city one night and meets Lucius Nightwing, eldest son of the most powerful Morgon clan. This story is my version of Romeo and Juliet, except with half-dragon men, steamy sex, and a happily ever after.
BBB: How many more books will there be in the Nightwing series?
JC: There are two more. Windburn (February 2015) follows the story of strong-willed Sorcha who believes men are good only for warming her bed, not her heart. She wields her feminine wiles like a weapon, leaving a trail of men in her wake. Until she meets Lorian Nightwing, of course. Nightbloom (September, 2015) is Ella and Paxon’s story. Ella is the timid artist of the trio of best friends. With Paxon Nightwing, she discovers an inner strength and sensuality she didn’t know existed. I’ve also signed a contract with Kensington on the first book of a spin-off series, Vale of Stars. This first novel, Waking the Dragon (June 2015), takes place five years after the Nightwing series. Moira Cade, senior editor of the college post, begins investigating the brutal murders of three college girls and descends into the dark underworld of Morgon society.
BBB: What sets the Nightwing series apart from other books in the same genre?
JC: While I am a huge fan of shifter books, Morgons are not dragon shifters. They descended from a line of them, who are now extinct. My fantasy creatures are true hybrids, half-man/half-beast. Another aspect that I think sets this series apart (and even the spin-off series Vale of Stars) is the plot driving the story, which isn’t about the paranormal/fantasy aspects of the novel at all, but about a very real-world problem–prejudice. There are those on both sides of the Morgon/human world who want to keep the races segregated. My aim is to break down that barrier, and bridge the gap of hatred with love.
BBB: What types of characters / creatures can readers expect in your world?
JC: The Morgons are a hybrid race of humans and dragons. In Soulfire, the reader will discover how the race came into existence. They’ve inherited dragon DNA, including heightened senses, the ability to breathe fire, and dragon wings. Some of the clans have also inherited special gifts from their ancestors, but I’d like to leave that a mystery for readers to discover on their own.
BBB: List five adjectives to describe yourself.
JC: Tenacious (my husband prefers stubborn), fun-loving, sentimental, rule-bending, hopeful
BBB: If you were to create a slogan for your life, what would it be?
JC: “Never, never, never give up.” Winston Churchill’s words, not mine, but I totally live by them in all aspects of my life.
BBB: If a genie granted you three wishes, what would they be? (you can’t ask for more wishes)
JC: A time machine, a cottage in Scotland, one more day with my grandmother.
BBB: What is the best thing you have dressed up as for Halloween?
JC: Hmm, that would be a toss-up between a werewolf in sixth grade (no, I wasn’t a conventional child) and a 60s go-go girl in college.
BBB: Would you rather see a movie at the theater or at home on DVD? Why?
JC: Well, I only go to the theater for big movies like The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, so I love when something worthy is released to drag my ass out of the house. On the other hand, I can’t hunker down in my comfy chair in my sweats with a glass of wine and take-out in public, so usually I prefer movie nights at home.
BBB: What’s coming up for you for the rest of 2014 and into 2015??
JC: After the release of Soulfire, I’ll be focusing on my January release in another series, The Vessel Trilogy, which follows Genevieve Drake–a vessel of light in a world of demons and darkness wandering the streets of New Orleans. Forged in Fire (Samhain Publishing) is the first book in this series. I’m finishing up book two now, Sealed in Sin, which is due out April 2015. Book three, Bound in Black, will be released in July 2015. And I’ve already mentioned the releases of books two and three in the Nightwing series, as well as book one Waking the Dragon from Vale of Stars. I do believe my plate is full. I’ll be updating readers on my website and definitely through my newsletter as events come up.
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About Juliette Cross

Author Bio:
Juliette calls lush, moss-laden Louisiana home where the landscape curls into her imagination, creating mystical settings for her stories. She has a B.A. in creative writing from Louisiana State University, a M.Ed. in gifted education, and was privileged to study under the award-winning author Ernest J. Gaines in grad school. Her love of mythology, legends, and art serve as constant inspiration for her works. From the moment she read JANE EYRE as a teenager, she fell in love with the Gothic romance–brooding characters, mysterious settings, persevering heroines, and dark, sexy heroes. Even then, she not only longed to read more novels set in Gothic worlds, she wanted to create her own.
11 Quick Things About Juliette
Favorite Food? Seafood gumbo
Favorite Color? Green
Favorite Movie or TV Show of all Time? The BBC version of JANE EYRE with Toby Stephens as Mr. Rochester (swoon) and Ruth Wilson as Jane (brilliant). This adaptation is the closest to the novel.
Favorite Drink? Margarita with salt (on the rocks or frozen–I’m not picky)
Favorite Current Book? Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh
Favorite Season? Fall
Favorite Online Hangout? Twitter
Favorite Animal? Cat
Favorite Band or Musician? Evanescence
Mode of Travel? (Trains, Planes or Automobiles) Planes
Favorite Vacation Destination? Smoky Mountains
Connect with Juliette
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