BBB: If you could have been told one thing that you weren’t told when you were a teenager, what would you like to have heard? RH: Oh gosh, so many things… not to get serious, but if I’d been told I had issues with anxiety, some things probably would’ve turned out much differently for me.
BBB: Are you a morning or night person?
RH: Night. Although, I now struggle to stay up past midnight. Maybe I’m more an early evening person? I don’t know. Let’s just say night. That’s easiest.
BBB: What are your favorite hobbies? (besides reading or writing)
RH: Spending time with my dog, watching movies (I’m also a film critic), playing golf, watching college football and basketball, going to Pearl Jam concerts (been to eight), playing trivia, and generally trying to get into some sort of adventure/shenanigans whenever possible.
BBB: What’s your favorite material object that you already own? (non book or writing related)
RH: Hmm. There’s my pirate made out of a coconut, my sickening collection of Pearl Jam concert posters, my Stan Lee signed Spider-Man Mr. Potato Head, my gnomes…I’ll say my t-shirt collection, which is culled from the finest that and have to offer. I’m 34 but still buy those crazy shirts because 16-year-old Ryan never could.
BBB: Please tell us more about Dead New World and the storyline that drives it.
RH: Dead New World is about a 17-year-old soldier who tries to save the girl he loves from the maniacal leader of a cult known only as the Reverend. He’s joined by his best friend, who was bitten by a zombie… and survived to become a human-zombie hybrid capable of controlling the zombies.
BBB: How many more books will there be in the Dead New World series?
RH: Three. The next is Dark New World, and the finale is The New World.
BBB: What sets the Dead New World series apart from other books in the same genre?
RH: The action, which is reminiscent of Black Hawk Down, the fact that some people can survive the zombie infection and become hybrids capable of controlling the zombies.
BBB: What types of characters / creatures can readers expect in your world?
RH: All of the characters carry some sort of baggage. The main character is racked with survivor’s guilt over what happened to his best friend, who’s now torn between two worlds, the living and the dead, and must decide which one he belongs in. The villain believes zombies are God’s new chosen creatures, and wants to turn the world. Some of the characters in Dead New World are so terrible, they make the zombies look good. Also, the zombies here aren’t slow OR fast. The newer ones are slow, thanks to rigamortis, but once that passes, they move a little faster.
BBB: If you could meet any author (s) from history, who would you meet and why?
RH: My favorite author is Christopher Moore, and I was lucky enough to meet him earlier this year. That said, I’d want to meet William Shakespeare, and pick his brain about how he came up with so many classic stories.
BBB: If you were to create a slogan for your life, what would it be?
RH: Mine would probably have to be “Why so serious?”
BBB: If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be and why?
RH: The day job! Then I could write all day. Actually, wait. That would make me a writer without a job/steady stream of income, which means I’d be living with my parents, which means… I’m going to have to get back to you on this one.
BBB: What is the best thing you have dressed up as for Halloween?
RH: I’ve never been huge on dressing up for Halloween. One year, I dressed up as Ivan Drago, but people kept wanting to fight me because I had on boxing gloves. I went as a doctor a couple of years ago, and that actually worked out well, seeing that I met a girl who was a doctor.
BBB: What’s coming up for you for the rest of 2014 and into 2015??
RH: Promoting Dead New World is by far the biggest thing going on for me right now. Writing-wise, I’m in revisions on a very silly tale called The Conch Shell of Doom. After that, it’s continuing work on the sequel to my debut novel, The Book of Bart. Hopefully, I’ll be able to write another book before 2015 ends, but we’ll see.
Read a 4 star review of Dead New World by clicking here.
Buy a print copy of Dead New World from Amazon by clicking here.
Buy a Kindle copy of Dead New World from Amazon by clicking here.
Books in the Dead New World series in the order they should be read: Dead New World Dark New World The New World
About Ryan Hill
Author Bio:
Growing up, Ryan Hill used to spend his time reading and writing instead of doing homework. This resulted in an obsession with becoming a writer, but also a gross incompetence in the fields of science and mathematics. A graduate of North Carolina State University, Ryan has been a film critic for over five years. He lives in Raleigh, NC, with his dog/shadow Maggie. Ryan also feels strange about referring to himself in the third person.11 Quick Things About Ryan
Favorite Food? Burrito
Favorite Color? Red
Favorite Movie or TV Show of all Time? Movie, don’t have one. Seen too many. TV show? My favorite is Trailer Park Boys, the best ever is The Wire
Favorite Drink? Alcoholic or non-alcoholic? Does it have to have fruit in it?
Favorite Current Book? Game of Thrones. Trying to get through those beasts. Currently on Book 2.
Favorite Season? Spring
Favorite Online Hangout? Twitter
Favorite Animal? My dog!
Favorite Band or Musician? Pearl Jam
Mode of Travel? (Trains, Planes or Automobiles) Planes. They’re faster.
Favorite Vacation Destination? Maui
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