Author Maggie Mae Gallagher Release Party and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest LIVE Here!
This past weekend I was one of the literary guests at Cincinnati Comic Expo. If you have never been to a comic con, are a huge fan of all things geek, then I urge you to find the nearest one and attend. They have a little something for everyone.
I know for myself, I feel at home with all the people in attendance. These are the people who understand all my pop culture references, like the image I posted on Facebook this weekend of the storm trooper reading Anointed with the catch phrase, “This was the book he was looking for.” If you are like me, then there is no need for me to explain that this reference is coined from a Star Wars phrase.

I admit I am a huge Sci-Fi-fantasy geek. If it has claws, fur, fangs, A.I. robots, starship voyages, galactic battles or superheroes, you can bet I’ll be there in the front row opening night. At a comic con, these are celebrated for their awesomeness. One of my all-time favorites is Star Wars. As a kid in the late seventies and eighties, Star Wars was everywhere. Not that I’m complaining, I can still remember playing Star Wars with my cousin and brother on my aunt and uncle’s stairs where, of course, I played the role of Princess Leia. I am also a huge fan of The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit films by Peter Jackson. I think he did a superb job translating JRR Tolkien’s vision of Middle Earth.
There were hundreds of booths with everything from comic book creators, to all the latest Walking Dead paraphernalia, to an entire section devoted to Dr. Who. Being part of such an incredible event with the likes of John Rhys Davies, William Kircher, and Lou Ferrigno was a surreal experience. I still cannot believe that I shook Gimli’s hand! Meeting John Rhys Davies was incredible. He was a gentleman of the highest order and I hold him in the highest regard.

I think that is also one of the reasons I write urban fantasy. I love getting to explore other worlds, and other dimensions. In Ruptured, readers get a little more of Alana’s world before the events in Anointed take place.
Buy a Kindle copy of Ruptured from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY .99 Cents!
About Maggie Mae Gallagher

Author Bio:
Bestselling Author Maggie Mae Gallagher doesn’t remember a time when she wasn’t writing. When she was a kid she acted out her favorite scenes, only better, with her brother and cousin. As a teenager, she wrote reams of poetry, but realized her true love lay with creating characters and stories. A former music and history major, Maggie is a total geek at her core. When she is not writing, she adores attending the latest comic con or spending time with her family. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with her two furry felines.
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CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.
Prize: A $50.00 Amazon Gift Card
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